Free Daytime Routines from 4 months to 3 years
Here are some key considerations when selecting the appropriate routine for your child’s age group:
For infants aged 4-5 months, it’s important to note that their wake windows are significantly shorter than many people realise.
Most babies tend to phase out their third nap, known as the “power nap”, around 8 months. However, this transition can occur as early as 7 months or as late as 9 months.
Babies up to 8 or 9 months of age may require three naps a day, especially if two of them are of substantial length. If not, adding extra naps is a suitable approach. It’s essential not to limit them to only three naps.
Around 9 months, during the transition from two naps to one, many babies may adapt to two longer naps during the day. Nevertheless, some may follow the routine outlined in the 11-14 months category. There’s no strict right or wrong; it depends on your baby’s preferences.
The vast majority of babies begin the transition to just one nap a day around 14 months, however can be earlier or later.
If your child has transitioned to one nap, the routine for 15-36 months is the most suitable.
The 15-36 months routine encompasses a significant age range. For most children under 2 years old, the optimal duration from the end of a nap to bedtime is about 4 hours. As they approach their third year, you may notice this extending to 4.5 hours or even up to 5 to 5.5 hours until they eventually outgrow their nap.